ERP Management Software

Erp software for all business

Rplus Service ERP

Rplus Service ERP is an all-encompassing software solution designed to meet the needs of any service business. It efficiently manages every aspect of operations, from lead generation to sales, billing, delivery, sales warranty, project management, AMC (Annual Maintenance Contracts), complaint management, service center operations, rentals, purchases, and stock management.

In-Depth Features of Rplus Service ERP

Rplus Service ERP is designed to provide a holistic solution for service businesses, covering every aspect from lead generation to project management. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of its features:

Lead Generation
  • Multi-Channel Lead Capture: Integrate with websites, social media platforms, and marketing campaigns to capture leads from various sources.
  • Automated Lead Distribution: Distribute leads automatically to the right sales representatives based on predefined criteria.
  • Lead Nurturing: Use automated email campaigns and follow-up reminders to nurture leads through the sales funnel.
Sales Management
  • Quotation Management: Create professional quotations with customizable templates. Track quotation status and manage revisions.
  • Sales Orders: Convert accepted quotations into sales orders seamlessly. Manage sales orders with real-time tracking.
  • Sales Analytics: Use advanced analytics to track sales performance, forecast sales trends, and identify high-performing products and services.
  • Automated Invoicing: Generate invoices automatically based on sales orders and delivery confirmations. Customize invoice templates.
  • Payment Integration: Integrate with payment gateways to facilitate online payments. Track payment status and manage overdue invoices.
  • Recurring Billing: Set up recurring billing for subscriptions or maintenance contracts, with automatic invoice generation.
Delivery Management
  • Real-Time Delivery Tracking: Provide customers with real-time tracking information for their deliveries.
  • Route Optimization: Optimize delivery routes to reduce transportation costs and improve delivery times.
  • Electronic Proof of Delivery: Capture electronic signatures and photos as proof of delivery.
Sales Warranty
  • Warranty Registration: Register warranties automatically when sales are recorded. Track warranty periods and coverage.
  • Warranty Claims: Streamline the process for customers to file warranty claims. Track the status and resolution of each claim.
  • Warranty Notifications: Automatically notify customers of warranty expirations and renewal options.
Project Management
  • Task Management: Break down projects into tasks and subtasks. Assign tasks to team members and track progress.
  • Gantt Charts: Use Gantt charts to visualize project timelines and dependencies. Adjust project plans dynamically.
  • Resource Management: Allocate and manage resources effectively to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget.
Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC)
  • Contract Creation: Create detailed maintenance contracts specifying the scope of services, duration, and pricing.
  • Service Scheduling: Schedule regular maintenance visits based on contract terms. Automate service reminders.
  • Contract Renewals: Manage renewals seamlessly, with automated reminders for upcoming contract expirations.

Erp software modules

Complaint Management
  • Omnichannel Complaint Registration: Allow customers to register complaints through various channels, including phone, email, and web portals.
  • Automated Complaint Assignment: Automatically assign complaints to the appropriate service personnel based on the nature of the issue.
  • Resolution Tracking: Track the progress of each complaint and ensure timely resolution. Collect customer feedback post-resolution.
Service Center Operations
  • Job Card Creation: Create detailed job cards for each repair or service task, specifying the work to be done and required parts.
  • Spare Parts Inventory: Manage spare parts inventory efficiently, tracking usage and reordering when necessary.
  • Service History: Maintain a detailed service history for each customer and product, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Rental Management
  • Rental Agreements: Create and manage rental agreements, specifying terms, duration, and pricing.
  • Asset Tracking: Track the location and condition of rented assets. Schedule maintenance for long-term rentals.
  • Billing and Renewals: Automate billing for rental periods and manage renewals effectively.
Purchase Management
  • Purchase Order Creation: Generate purchase orders with customizable templates. Track order status and delivery schedules.
  • Vendor Management: Maintain detailed records of vendors, including contact information, performance, and transaction history.
  • Purchase Returns: Handle purchase returns efficiently, tracking returned items and managing refunds or replacements.
Stock Management
  • Real-Time Inventory Control: Monitor stock levels in real-time across multiple warehouses and locations.
  • Stock Movement Tracking: Track the movement of stock within and between warehouses, ensuring accurate inventory records.
  • Barcode and RFID Integration: Use barcode and RFID technology to streamline inventory tracking and reduce errors.
Benefits of Rplus Service ERP
  • Comprehensive Solution: Integrates all business processes into a single platform, eliminating the need for multiple software solutions.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automates routine tasks, reducing manual efforts and freeing up time for strategic activities.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Ensures timely and accurate service delivery, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Provides real-time data and analytics to support informed decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Adapts to the growing needs of your business, with flexible features and customizable modules.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-use interface ensures quick adoption by users with minimal training.

Rplus Service ERP is designed to help service businesses operate more efficiently and effectively, providing a robust solution for managing all aspects of their operations.

Service ERP Dashboard Details

Pending Metrics

  • Pending Enquiry
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of pending enquiries.
    • Details: A list of all pending enquiries with columns for enquiry ID, customer name, date, assigned agent, and status.
    • Use: To track and follow up on customer enquiries that have not been resolved.
  • Pending Complaint
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of pending complaints.
    • Details: A table listing all pending complaints with columns for complaint ID, customer name, date, product/service, assigned engineer, and status.
    • Use: To manage and prioritize unresolved customer complaints.
  • Total Pending Project
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of ongoing projects.
    • Details: A project management section with columns for project ID, client name, start date, estimated completion date, project manager, and current status.
    • Use: To monitor the progress of ongoing projects and ensure timely completion.
AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) Metrics
  • Total AMC Remainder
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of AMCs that need attention.
    • Details: A list of AMCs with columns for contract ID, customer name, contract start date, end date, and remaining days.
    • Use: To identify AMCs that are due for renewal soon and plan follow-up actions.
  • Total AMC Service Reminder
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of AMCs due for service.
    • Details: A list of AMCs with service due dates, customer names, contract details, and assigned service engineers.
    • Use: To schedule and manage upcoming AMC services to ensure compliance with contract terms.
  • AMC Status
    • Display: A summary section with a breakdown of AMC statuses (e.g., active, expired, upcoming).
    • Details: Charts or graphs showing the distribution of AMC statuses.
    • Use: To get an overview of the health of all AMC contracts.
Sales and Warranty Metrics
  • Lead by Campaign
    • Display: A chart showing the number of leads generated from different campaigns.
    • Details: A list of campaigns with columns for campaign name, start date, end date, number of leads, and conversion rate.
    • Use: To analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in generating leads.
  • Sales Warranty Reminder
    • Display: A tile showing the number of sales warranties due for service.
    • Details: A list of sales warranties with columns for warranty ID, product name, customer name, purchase date, and service due date.
    • Use: To track and schedule services for products under warranty.
  • Warranty Service Reminder
    • Display: A tile showing the number of product warranties requiring service.
    • Details: Similar to the sales warranty reminder, a list with relevant details for each warranty.
    • Use: To ensure timely service for warranty claims.
Quotation and Purchase Metrics
  • Quotation Reminder
    • Display: A tile showing the number of pending or expiring quotations.
    • Details: A list of quotations with columns for quotation ID, customer name, date issued, expiration date, and status.
    • Use: To follow up on quotations and convert them into sales.
  • Total Purchase
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of purchases made.
    • Details: A purchase history section with columns for purchase order ID, supplier name, date, total amount, and status.
    • Use: To keep track of all purchases and manage supplier relationships.
  • Partially Received Purchase
    • Display: A tile showing the number of purchases that are partially received.
    • Details: A list of partially received purchases with columns for purchase order ID, supplier name, date, items received, and items pending.
    • Use: To manage inventory and follow up on pending deliveries from suppliers.

erp software for small business

Sales and Delivery Metrics

  • Sales Warranty Status
    • Display: A summary section with a breakdown of sales warranty statuses (e.g., active, expired, upcoming).
    • Details: Charts or graphs showing the distribution of sales warranty statuses.
    • Use: To monitor the status of all sales warranties.
  • Last 30 Days Complaint
    • Display: A tile showing the number of complaints registered in the last 30 days.
    • Details: A list of complaints with columns for complaint ID, customer name, date, product/service, and status.
    • Use: To identify recent complaint trends and address recurring issues.
  • My Total Follow-up Count
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of follow-ups made by the logged-in user.
    • Details: A list of follow-ups with columns for follow-up ID, date, customer name, follow-up details, and outcome.
    • Use: To track personal follow-up activities and ensure consistent customer engagement.
  • Total Delivery Count
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of deliveries made.
    • Details: A delivery history section with columns for delivery ID, customer name, date, items delivered, and status.
    • Use: To manage and track all deliveries to customers.
  • Total Dispatch Count
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of dispatches made.
    • Details: A dispatch history section with columns for dispatch ID, customer name, date, items dispatched, and status.
    • Use: To ensure all dispatches are recorded and tracked.
  • Total Sales
    • Display: A tile showing the total number of sales made.
    • Details: A sales history section with columns for sales order ID, customer name, date, items sold, and total amount.
    • Use: To monitor sales performance and analyze sales trends.
  • Total Sales Partially Delivery
    • Display: A tile showing the number of sales that have been partially delivered.
    • Details: A list of partially delivered sales with columns for sales order ID, customer name, date, items delivered, and items pending.
    • Use: To manage and complete pending deliveries for partially fulfilled sales.
Example Dashboard Layout
Header Section
  • Company Name
  • Date
  • User Role
Summary Section
  • Tiles for Key Metrics: Pending Enquiry, Pending Complaint, Total Pending Project, Total AMC Remainder, etc.
Charts and Graphs
  • Leads by Campaign: Bar chart showing leads generated from various campaigns.
  • AMC Status: Pie chart showing the distribution of AMC statuses.
Tables and Lists
  • Pending Enquiries and Complaints: Detailed tables with sortable columns for quick access.
  • Purchase and Delivery History: Lists with search and filter options.
Filter Options
  • Date Range: Filter data by selecting a specific date range.
  • Project Status: Filter ongoing projects by status.
  • Campaign: Filter leads by campaign source.

This detailed breakdown ensures that each metric is clearly displayed and easily accessible, providing a comprehensive view of all critical aspects of your service operations.

Modules of erp software

ERP system that covers a wide range of functionalities across different business operations. Here’s how these features typically integrate into an ERP system:

Analytical Dashboard Reporting
  • Purpose: Provides real-time insights and key metrics through customizable dashboards.
  • Functionality:
    • Customization: Tailor dashboards to display KPIs and metrics relevant to different roles.
    • Visualization: Graphical representations such as charts, graphs, and tables for data analysis.
    • Drill-down: Ability to drill down into specific data points for deeper analysis.
    • Alerts: Set alerts for thresholds or anomalies in data.
Client and Contact Management
  • Purpose: Centralize and manage customer and contact information for effective relationship management.
  • Functionality:
    • Contact Database: Store detailed contact information, communication history, and preferences.
    • Interaction Tracking: Record interactions across various channels (calls, emails, meetings).
    • Segmentation: Categorize contacts based on criteria such as demographics or buying behavior.
    • Integration: Sync with other modules for seamless access to client data during sales and service interactions.
Budgeting and Planning
  • Purpose: Facilitate financial planning, forecasting, and budget management.
  • Functionality:
    • Budget Creation: Develop annual budgets based on historical data and future projections.
    • Scenario Analysis: Model different scenarios to assess financial impacts.
    • Approval Workflows: Route budgets for approval and track revisions.
    • Integration: Link budgets to operational plans and financial reporting.
All Masters
  • Purpose: Manage master data that serves as a foundation for various business processes.
  • Functionality:
    • Master Data Management: Centralize core information such as products, services, vendors, and employees.
    • Consistency: Ensure uniformity and accuracy of data across the organization.
    • Version Control: Track changes and maintain a history of updates.
    • Integration: Share master data across modules to streamline operations and reporting.
Enquiry Management
  • Purpose: Capture, track, and manage customer inquiries and leads.
  • Functionality:
    • Lead Capture: Capture leads from multiple channels (website forms, social media, emails).
    • Lead Qualification: Qualify leads based on predefined criteria (interest, budget, timeline).
    • Automated Routing: Assign leads to appropriate sales representatives or teams.
    • Conversion Tracking: Monitor progress of leads through the sales funnel.
Quotation Management
  • Purpose: Create and manage quotations for products or services offered to customers.
  • Functionality:
    • Template Creation: Design templates for standard quotations, customize as needed.
    • Versioning: Manage multiple versions of quotations with tracking and comparison.
    • Approval Workflow: Route quotations for approval before sending to customers.
    • Integration: Link quotations to sales orders and inventory for accurate fulfillment.
Sales Management
  • Purpose: Streamline the sales process from lead generation to order fulfillment.
  • Functionality:
    • Opportunity Management: Track sales opportunities from initial contact to closure.
    • Pipeline Visibility: Visualize and manage the sales pipeline, forecasting revenue and closing rates.
    • Sales Collaboration: Coordinate activities between sales teams, marketing, and customer service.
    • Performance Analysis: Analyze sales performance by region, product, or salesperson.
Project Management
  • Purpose: Plan, execute, and monitor projects efficiently to achieve strategic goals.
  • Functionality:
    • Task Management: Break projects into tasks, assign responsibilities, and track progress.
    • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources (human, financial, and material) to tasks and projects.
    • Timeline Management: Set project milestones and timelines, monitor deadlines.
    • Risk Management: Identify and mitigate project risks, ensuring timely delivery and budget control.
AMC (Annual Maintenance Contracts) Management
  • Purpose: Manage contracts for recurring services such as maintenance or support.
  • Functionality:
    • Contract Creation: Define contract terms, services covered, pricing, and renewal conditions.
    • Scheduling: Schedule service visits or renewals based on contract terms and customer preferences.
    • Billing Integration: Automate invoicing and billing for AMC renewals.
    • SLA Tracking: Monitor service level agreements (SLAs) and compliance.
Invoice Management
  • Purpose: Generate and manage invoices for products sold or services rendered.
  • Functionality:
    • Automated Invoicing: Generate invoices based on sales orders, deliveries, or service completion.
    • Payment Tracking: Track invoice status, payments received, and outstanding amounts.
    • Payment Integration: Integrate with payment gateways for online payment processing.
    • Reporting: Generate reports on invoice status, aging, and revenue recognition.
Stock Management
  • Purpose: Track and manage inventory levels across multiple locations and warehouses.
  • Functionality:
    • Inventory Control: Monitor stock levels in real-time, automate stock replenishment.
    • Stock Movement: Track movements (receipts, transfers, returns) of stock items.
    • Batch and Serial Number Tracking: Manage batches and serial numbers for traceability.
    • Forecasting: Forecast demand and optimize inventory levels to minimize stockouts and excess inventory.

erp software for service business

Task Management
  • Purpose: Assign, track, and manage tasks and activities across teams and projects.
  • Functionality:
    • Task Assignment: Assign tasks to individuals or teams with due dates and priorities.
    • Progress Tracking: Monitor task status, updates, and completion.
    • Collaboration: Foster collaboration through task comments, attachments, and notifications.
    • Integration: Link tasks to projects, sales orders, or service requests for comprehensive visibility.
Expense Management
  • Purpose: Record, track, and manage expenses incurred across departments or projects.
  • Functionality:
    • Expense Recording: Capture expense details including date, category, and amount.
    • Approval Workflow: Route expenses for approval based on predefined rules.
    • Reimbursement: Process employee reimbursements and vendor payments.
    • Reporting: Generate expense reports for analysis and budget control.
Purchase Management
  • Purpose: Manage procurement processes from requisition to payment for goods and services.
  • Functionality:
    • Purchase Requisition: Initiate and approve purchase requests based on inventory levels or project needs.
    • Vendor Management: Maintain vendor information, performance evaluations, and contracts.
    • Purchase Orders: Create and track purchase orders, manage approvals, and monitor delivery schedules.
    • Receipt and Inspection: Receive and inspect goods, manage returns and discrepancies.
Accounting Management
  • Purpose: Integrate financial processes such as general ledger, accounts payable/receivable, and financial reporting.
  • Functionality:
    • General Ledger: Record financial transactions, reconcile accounts, and generate financial statements.
    • Accounts Payable/Receivable: Manage payables and receivables, track payments and collections.
    • Financial Reporting: Generate balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
    • Audit Trail: Maintain an audit trail of financial transactions for compliance and transparency.
Rental Management
  • Purpose: Manage rental agreements, assets, and billing cycles for rented equipment or property.
  • Functionality:
    • Rental Agreements: Create and manage rental contracts with terms and conditions.
    • Asset Tracking: Track rented assets, schedule maintenance, and manage availability.
    • Billing and Renewals: Automate billing cycles, manage rental renewals, and late fees.
Utilities and Settings
  • Purpose: Configure system settings, user permissions, workflows, and integrations to meet specific business needs.
  • Functionality:
    • System Configuration: Customize user interface, data fields, and system behaviors.
    • User Permissions: Define access levels and roles for different users and departments.
    • Workflow Automation: Automate business processes and approvals to improve efficiency.
    • Integration Management: Integrate with third-party applications and data sources for seamless data exchange.
Complaint Management
  • Purpose: Register, track, and resolve customer complaints efficiently to ensure satisfaction.
  • Functionality:
    • Complaint Registration: Capture complaints through multiple channels (phone, email, web).
    • Assignment and Escalation: Assign complaints to appropriate personnel, escalate when necessary.
    • Resolution Tracking: Monitor complaint status and update customers on progress.
    • Feedback Collection: Gather customer feedback post-resolution to improve service quality.
Job Card Management
  • Purpose: Create, assign, and track job cards or work orders for service requests, repairs, or maintenance tasks.
  • Functionality:
    • Job Creation: Generate job cards with details of tasks, materials, and instructions.
    • Resource Allocation: Assign technicians, equipment, and parts required for the job.
    • Progress Tracking: Monitor job status, updates, and completion.
    • Service History: Maintain records of completed jobs and service history for future reference.
Web Portal Page Settings
  • Purpose: Customize and manage web portal pages for customer self-service, vendor interactions, or employee access.
  • Functionality:
    • Portal Customization: Design and configure portal pages to reflect branding and functionality.
    • Content Management: Manage content updates, announcements, and knowledge base articles.
    • User Access: Define user roles and permissions for portal access.
    • Integration: Integrate portal functionalities with ERP modules for seamless